Girlfriend's wet day

Boots and shoes getting wet, muddy or messy in various ways. Ladies, want to show off your beautiful shoes? Nowhere in the world will they be appreciated more! Registering will enable many helpful features, and its free.

Stiefel und Schuhe werden auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise nass, matschig und schmutzig gemacht. Ladies, möchtet ihr eure schönen Schuhe zeigen? Nirgendwo auf der Welt werden sie mehr geschätzt als hier. Registriert euch kostenlos und aktiviert viele hilfreiche Funktionen.

Moderators: Heelexploder, josephine, Alexainheels, minni, Cammile, Wetshoegirl, ambershotheels

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Girlfriend's wet day

Post by jmtl7710 »

Hi All,

This is my first post here, but something happened yesterday that I really wanted to share with all of you. I have been going out with this girl for a while and we are quite serious. She knows about my thing about wet shoes and boots, and privately has sometimes wet a pair of her shoes for me. Nothing in public though, unless you count jogging in rain or in wet woods for something.

Today however something happened, I just wish I would have been there to see it happen. She works as an assistant for a company surveying building sites, today they were looking at an area next to a lake. The land was newly claimed, so they had to take a boat ride to the area. They went to the site first thing in the morning and she had to go back to the office after this. Because she had a couple of meetings planned for the afternoon, she dressed "half-smart" in her own opinion, which is maybe a bit of an understatement. In any case she had these light than boots, thick pantyhose, a jeans skirt, white shirt and a black leather jacket on. I would say this is my favorite combination.

Anyway, after 10 AM I got a message with a picture from her, with text roughly "FUUUCCKK, I just fell in the water when getting off the boat!!!" In the picture her boots had turned from light brown to dark brown and her clothes were dripping water everywhere. I just about exploded when I saw the message.
However, I managed to keep myself calm and I asked her if she had any spare clothes in the car or in the office, when she answered I just about exploded again: "No, I have nothing with me in the car and I just brought everything home from the office. Can you bring me something, I REALLY have to be in the office in the afternoon". At this point I was 100 miles away and I texted back "Sorry, I can't." She just replied "Sigh, I'll have to try to make it home in between then".

3 hours later I got a message from her again, this time from the office. I guess she had not had time to go and get her clothes changed. This time I was on my way home already, and stepped on it when I got the message "Cancelled my meetings, but had to make a quick stop at the office. My boots still squelch every step I take and my clothes are very wet. Can't wait to get home for you to get the wet clothes off me."
When she came home she did very miserable after being soaked for the whole day, I was actually amazed how little her clothes had dried. Boots I could expect being soaking wet, they have a thin lining which kept the water in for a long time. I could make her a bit happier after a while and actually took a warm shower with her, she came in still wearing her clothes. Needless to say the clothes were not on her when the shower was over.
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Re: Girlfriend's wet day

Post by pompompom13 »

thanks a lot for this awesome story :)
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Re: Girlfriend's wet day

Post by Wamshoes »

Amazing story!
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Re: Girlfriend's wet day

Post by Wetshoe »

Accidents are nice :)
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