Cowboy boots

Wet and messy sneakers and any other sneaker abuse. You're also welcome to post just regular photos of sneakers here, abused or not.

Nasse und schmutzige Sportschuhe und jegliche Art von Sportschuh-Missbrauch. Auch gerne Bilder unversehrter Sportschuhe.

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Cowboy boots

Post by Diogenes »

Got new, cheap, cowboy boots. 2 1/2 " heel no zips - pull on, quite tight but feel moves inside them when walking

Went out for a walk, the road was flooded so I splashed through, and water came in - quite a lot

So I went off road and found some pretty deep muddy puddles, not over the tops, but in no-time they were full of water - squelching

So now I don't have to worry about looking after them, wonder how long they'll last?

Last pair I had a few years back - took great pleasure in tearing the linings out - much better fit after that and a friend wore hers so much the heel cups broke so there were big creases around the heels. They stank..
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