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Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:50 pm
by Jo_UK
Hiya everyone!

Does anyone love wearing stilettos with very slippery soles and slipping and sliding about on different surfaces in them?

I would love to hear any experiences of slipping in slippery stilettos, whether it be intentional or accidental!


An expericence of slippery high-heel sandals...

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:24 am
by JVilla
Hi, Jo...

I'm a big fan of slippery shoes, specially stilettos, high-heel sandals and flip-flops on slippery surfaces, like oil, fruits and banana peels.

I recomend you to see the video #2. It's a great video with this particular subject.

Well, I wish to share with you an experience that I had a weeks ago (and you thought it only happened in cartoons and old movies): I was walking when the girl next to me (I notice that she was wearing high-heel sandals) suddenly lost her footing and had to scramble to keep her balance. I instinctively put out a hand to help steady her. Hands still clutched, she and I both slowly turned our heads to see what it was that had cause her to slip. And there it was: a banana peel.

I hope to hear from you soon, with any experience of you!


Yahoo Group Whose Subject is igh Heels on Slippery Surfaces

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:13 am
by jcfeli
Hello All,

Here is a Yahoo group that contains the subject matter you wish to see:

Also if you look at, there are previews of a girl walking on ice in 5 or 6" heels.




Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:12 pm
by Jo_UK
Hi JVilla, you seemed to be in just the right place at the right time! Did the girl say that her shoes were slippery at all? Could you describe them?

I haven't slipped on banana public anyway :wink:

Please e-mail me at if you wish, I would love to hear any experiences you have and I would be happy to tell you about my interest
