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wet and muddy misc

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:47 am
by messylaura
Hi, been a long time since i posted here
i've been retired from panel beating and collision for a number of years now (53 now), i still going out 90% of the time as Laura so that has often seen me getting my self very wet and muddy on a regular basis in everyday life,
i've also been able to get some more time to do photography, my main stuff there is wildlife and that has been a great oppertunity to just wander around in the mud or wade out into a pond or on the Thames etc
funny think is when ever i used to go out on the banks of the Thames in London and play in the mud someone would call the police thinking i was in trouble, soon as i took a camera with a tripod no one was concerned as they must think i know what i'm doing lol

when i went to barnstaple for a couple of weeks i played in one of the muddy river banks which was soooooo nice, usual stuff, heels dress, when i washed off mostly and started to back to the hotel there were was a policewoman and man looking over the bank wall, i knew they were probably on a call out for me so i asked them if they were looking for me, they said no, we looking for a woman in the mud, i wrang my skirt out which dumped a load of muddy water down my legs into my shoes which were squelchy any way and said, yeah, that will be me, they said ah, another one going for a roll in the mud, ok as long as you ok, so maybe there are a few other sploshers out there in barny. uk

so here are a few images i've posted here and there, some you may have not seen, not sure.

(i'll be editing stuff for a bit while i figure out the file sizes and how many i can post in one go)

something for a camera group i'm in, subject was coke can :)

Re: wet and muddy misc

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:05 am
by messylaura
I went to my local cemetery to get some woodpecker and fox pics, something i do quite often, i was a cold but sunny day and i had my gf with me, i wasnt expecting rain at all, thought maybe there might be some soft ground for a bit of mud fun but there wasn't that day, on the way back i was treated to a flooded foot tunnel, well, both the photographer and splosher wasn't going to miss this opportunity,

i happened to be wearing a full length velvet dress and pretty thick coat too, i handed my gf my other camera gear so it wouldnt get wet and went down to get some images,
it was chest high! so a very nice unexpected squelchy walk home!!
flood tunnel1.jpg
flood tunnel2.jpg
flood tunnel3size.jpg

Re: wet and muddy misc

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:23 am
by messylaura
some from the local playing fields while smudging crows, love it when its been raining when i do photography, usually i'm in heeled shoes of some sort, was never a fan of boots for splosh or in general, so naturally, its a nice day out
IMG_2812 wams.jpg
IMG_2822 wams.jpg
IMG_2828 wams.jpg
IMG_2860 wams.jpg

Re: wet and muddy misc

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:38 am
by messylaura
there was a muddy puddle, had to be done :) , on way back from shops etc, the camera i use is the canon M50 which is nice and small with its efm lenses i can take it nearly everywhere, as well as using big 400mm / 600mm lenses for wildlife, its a 24mp so some excellent details but i'm having to reduce the images down alot here for the media to accept them

Re: wet and muddy misc

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:48 am
by messylaura
using my legs to test the depth of the mud on the banks of the thames :) thames mud is so nice, btw these are Clarke shoes, i don't know what they use to glue the soles on but its the best stuff, i've not had a sole come off of any of my clarkes shoes (uk) and some of them have been destroyed in other areas like the uppers or insides have rotted away from so many hours long muddy and wet walks, great if you like walking in wet shoes alot and don't want them to fail, ie going to work in them etc, i actully tested them in wearing them wet for an entire week going to work and coming home when it was raining all week, they never got a chance to dry out, so big up clarkes shoes,

Thames2 battersea bridge2.jpg

Re: wet and muddy misc

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:54 am
by messylaura
ok, so i lied about the boots, well, they were alot of sexy fun when i did this messy sess
and for those that probably never saw, i did a few messy sessions way back on the UMD
think i may have other images from those sessions somewhere on an old comp hd, (kodak 3mp cam back then)

Re: wet and muddy misc

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:58 am
by messylaura
couple random ones